Travel in Kyrgyzstan, tourism, excursions, guide, hiking in mountains, driver

Travel in Kyrgyzstan, tourism, excursions, guide, hiking in mountains, driver в Москвe
Travel in Kyrgyzstan, tourism, excursions, guide, hiking in mountains, driver в Москвe, фото 2
Travel in Kyrgyzstan, tourism, excursions, guide, hiking in mountains, driver в Москвe, фото 3
Travel in Kyrgyzstan, tourism, excursions, guide, hiking in mountains, driver в Москвe, фото 4
Travel in Kyrgyzstan, tourism, excursions, guide, hiking in mountains, driver в Москвe, фото 5
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Цена: не указана
Продавец: Danil;  Частное лицо;  
№ объявления: 260622
Чтобы увидеть контакты, залогиньтесь или зарегистрируйтесь!
Расположение: РоссияМосква

I live and work as a private guide in Kyrgyzstan. I professionally organize individual or group excursions and tours speaking Russian, English or French languages for groups from 1 to 50 people in comfortable cars. I have partners in the tourist industry in all cities of Kyrgyzstan! I have a very large selection of tours and I know all the most interesting places that you can visit. I have affordable prices. All my clients were satisfied and received a charge of optimism, interesting impressions, and useful information! You will be surrounded by royal attention throughout the tour! I do not save the gasoline and I will try to show you only most interesting things! Each tour or excursion is designed for a whole day 8 - 10 hours. I take tourists from the hotel and I bring them back. Also, meetings at the airport are possible. I take care of your safety!

Tel: +996 550 50 59 77, WhatsApp: +996 550 50 59 77,


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Tourism guide hiking in; Guide mountains; Travel in kyrgyzstan excursions guide hiking in; Travel in kyrgyzstan guide mountains driver; Guide driver; Tourism excursions mountains; Travel in kyrgyzstan excursions hiking in mountains driver; Tourism excursions guide; Travel in kyrgyzstan tourism excursions guide hiking in driver; Excursions hiking in driver;

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